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On Trump's Hitler-inspired erasure of Trans Americans: Trans kids like E. are canaries in the coal mine. If we don't stand up for them and stop Trump in his tracks, history makes patently clear where this path leads

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E. at the Queer Britain Museum in London last year, adding his thoughts to an exhibit about the importance of LGBTQ+ visibility. / Ali Moss
E. at the Queer Britain Museum in London last year, adding his thoughts to an exhibit about the importance of LGBTQ+ visibility. / Ali Moss

After my Buzzfeed piece [https://www.buzzfeed.com/alimoss/my-trans-son-is-one-of-the-lucky-ones] went live, my uncle Bill sent me an email evoking the memory of his mom, my grandma Martha, who escaped Nazi Germany as a teenager. She died before I started kindergarten but has remained an animating force throughout my life. I grew up asking myself, "Would I have been as brave as her?" I never imagined I'd have the chance to find out.

But Trump has continued running plays not only from Project 2025 but straight from Hitler's playbook. When my 11-year-old son E. spoke at a rally at Stonewall National Monument last month, I shared the video with my uncle. This time, he compared E. to Martha, which just about broke me as a mother. Such pride and such terror, inextricable.

It drove me back to my desk, where my anger, fear, and love resulted in a new essay, published this morning by HuffPost [https://shorturl.at/fHPvc].

One of the many powerful signs I spotted at the protest read, "We are older than your laws and we will outlive them. There are Queer and Trans kids, adults and elders in the future." It is a message of resilience and hope to which I cling in these dark times.

During this Trans Month of Visibility — but at all other times too — it's critical to remember that President Trump can no more erase Transgender Americans from the future than he can from the past. But that's only true if allies echo and amplify the loud voices of the Trans community. Their words — E.'s words — could be heard well beyond the fences of Stonewall National Monument that afternoon.

As his parent and greatest champion, it's my job to make sure you hear them, too—and to ask you to share them far and wide.

Ali Moss (she/her) is an Emmy-nominated documentary filmmaker working on a memoir about her commitment to breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma. More at http://alimoss.com.

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