Increasing attacks against the Transgender community have led numerous people to contact state Rep. Nicole Macri (D-43) and express their feelings of hopelessness. In response, Rep. Macri has introduced House Bill 1971, which would expand access to hormone therapy by permitting 12-month refills.
"We have no way of knowing what the federal government will do, and Washington state can only control our own laws, but we are not without power to fight back against federal action," Rep. Macri told the SGN. "Our attorney general has already fought the Trump administration and won in the courts, and I support his continued efforts to protect Washington values — including the right to gender-affirming care."
HB 1971 has already passed the House and is making its way through the Senate. In the engrossed bill, which displays all amendments made in the House, health plans must reimburse patients for 12-month refills of prescription hormone therapy if obtained by the patient at one time.
If signed into law, health plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2026, would have to provide this reimbursement unless the patient requests a smaller amount of the medication, or if the prescription hormone therapy qualifies as a controlled substance. Additionally, the 12-month refill requirement would only apply to hormone therapy medication that can be stored at room temperature. According to the engrossment, health plans can limit refills for the last quarter of the health plan year if the 12-month hormone therapy supply has already been issued during the plan year. Under HB 1971, providers would still be able to temporarily limit refills to a 90-day supply if there happens to be a drug shortage. HB 1971 applies to all prescription hormone therapies used to medically suppress, increase, or replace hormones and those approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
"Here in Washington state, Democrats are continuing to ensure that our state laws protect individuals and expands their access to care," Rep. Macri said. "If RFK Jr decides to go after Transgender Washingtonians, we will see him in court, and we will win."
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