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Gothic Pride Seattle unites goth and Queer communities

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Courtesy Gothic Pride Seattle
Courtesy Gothic Pride Seattle

Now in their 24th year, Gothic Pride Seattle has been uniting the Goth and Queer community through events such as the Dark Delights Bazaar and the Consent 101 Workshop. Newly appointed President Chuckie Bear is excited to continue the old traditions while ringing in new and compelling additions.

A big priority of Gothic Pride Seattle is safety and education. One of its most popular events is a quarterly consent workshop. "The consent workshops basically teach people what yes means and no means, and what boundaries are," Bear told the SGN.

These values are part of what makes the group so important for its members. In its early days, the club provided an environment that allowed for members to freely express themselves without judgment — one of the most unifying aspects of both the goth and Queer communities, and a big part of what makes Gothic Pride so special.

Gothic Pride provides opportunities for members old and new to up their fashion and find pieces that speak to them. In the Dark Delights Bazaar, vendors sell goth goods such as clothing, jewelry, and other accessories. Everyone wears black, but each person can mix their style with genres like fetish, steampunk, industrial, and many more.

"Personally, it's really about what music scene you're into," Bear said. "It really shows your aesthetic."

For those looking to dip their toes into the world of goth clothing, Bear recommends New York Xchange on Capitol Hill, known for its clubbing attire — and perfect for anyone looking to express themselves on a night out.

Courtesy Gothic Pride Seattle  

The importance of music in gothic culture

Music is another big part of Gothic Pride's events and the experience as a whole. The Mechanismus Festival is coming to Seattle, and will feature a wide range of rock, industrial, and experimental music. One of Gothic Pride Seattle's best Daemon Chadeau will be DJing for the Gothic Beauty Pageant this year.

The beauty pageant will be held at Julia's on Broadway on May 25. It will spotlight the artistry of contestants as they strut their fashion, showcase their dancing prowess, and answer questions from a panel of judges that will include public figures, community members, and previous winners. The newly crowned titleholder will join the city's Pride Parade, where Gothic Pride Seattle will debut a new addition.

"Last year we had a brand-new float built," Bear said. "We have our royals march in the parade with us, and we have a DJ inside the float."

With plenty of events coming up in the spring and summer, Gothic Pride Seattle is staying busy in its mission to bring goth expression to everyone and create a community where members can feel valued and safe to express themselves.

Courtesy Gothic Pride Seattle  

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