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Celebrating 50 years of the SGN: Mayor Harrell proclaims June 27 "Seattle Gay News Day"

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Photo by Nate Gowdy
Photo by Nate Gowdy

On June 27, dozens of members of the SGN community, including writers from throughout the paper's history, gathered at the opening reception of the exhibit "Seattle Gay News Celebrates 50 Years!" Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell spoke about the paper's rich and impactful history for the region's LGBTQ+ community over the last five decades, and declared June 27, 2024, Seattle Gay News Day.

The exhibit, which includes larger-than-life displays of archived SGN pages covering historic and often-overlooked LGBTQ+ news and events, was created by the University of Washington Libraries and originally displayed at Allen Library in March 2024. Highlights include coverage of the AIDS crisis, including memorials and obituaries; the fight for marriage equality and other civil rights; and the digital preservation of SGN archives.

The SGN now stands as one of the longest-running LGBTQ+ newspapers in the world. While ever-evolving, a constant lifeline of care and maintenance has been its beating heart, including long-time reporter and now owner and publisher Renee Raketty.

"Seattle Gay News Celebrates 50 Years!" is free and open to the public, and will remain on display in the eighth floor gallery of the Seattle Central Library through August 25, 2024.

(Left) Bruce Harrell, Mayor of Seattle, and, (Right) Renee Raketty, Publisher of SGN  (Source: Photo by Nate Gowdy)

Tom Rasmussen, former Seattle City Council member  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Emily Grayson, Seattle Public Library, Humanities Librarian  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Jessica Albano, University of Washington Libraries, Head of Government Publications, Maps, Microforms & Newspapers  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Bruce Harrell, Mayor of Seattle  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Group photo of SGN staff past and present  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Group photo of SGN archiving project and exhibit  (Source: Nate Gowdy)

Support the Seattle Gay News: Celebrate 50 Years with Us!
As the third-oldest LGBTQIA+ newspaper in the United States, the Seattle Gay News (SGN) has been a vital independent source of news and entertainment for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest since 1974.
As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we need your support to continue our mission.
Your contribution will ensure that SGN remains a beacon of truth and a virtual gathering place for community dialogue.

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