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Washington's first LGBTQIA+ survey is unveiled

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WSU members of the survey team Ron Price (left), Zak Moreno, Axis Zarcone and principal researcher Traci Gillig - Photo by  WSU
WSU members of the survey team Ron Price (left), Zak Moreno, Axis Zarcone and principal researcher Traci Gillig - Photo by WSU

On June 1, 2024, Washington State University launched the first LGBTQIA+ survey of Washington state. The survey aims to reveal the needs of LGBTQIA+ people living in Washington and aid the Washington LGBTQ Commission in its policy recommendations to the Washington legislature.

Traci Gillig is one of the organizers of the survey and is an assistant professor of communication at Washington State University, and says the survey asks about experiences and characteristics of Washington LGBTQ residents.

"In general, we're asking about the health, safety, economic, and social experiences of LGBTQ+ people in Washington," Gillig said. "We're also interested in their geographic distribution across the state."

The survey is open to any Washington resident over eleven years of age who identifies as LGBTQIA+. Responses will be accepted through January 2025. The survey's creators expect about 10,000 people to respond.
All responses will be kept confidential, and respondents can share their email addresses, which will not be tied to their responses, to enter a prize drawing for a $50 gift card.

The survey aims to reach as many people as possible, and is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

"The survey launched on June 1, 2024. People can participate by accessing the survey link through our social media accounts (@walgbtqsurvey), through the WA LGBTQ Commission website, and through our QR [code], which we've shared at events and through promo materials," Gillig said. "Additionally, at events such as Pride festivals, we host booths where people can stop by and take the survey on one of our tablets."

"We're working hard to reach LGBTQ+ people across Washington and really appreciate it when people let their LGBTQ+ friends, family, and other contacts know about the survey," Gillig said.

For more information, visit https://lgbtq.wa.gov/survey .

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