Visit Seattle, a private nonprofit destination marketing organization serving Seattle and King County, is seeking Queer-made art to honor Seattle's 50th anniversary of Pride.
"We are doing an open call to creators/artists of all kinds," said Britt Fero of PB& on behalf of Visit Seattle. "We're hoping to get a diverse range of creators to answer the question 'How do you feel love/acceptance in Seattle?' through their craft. And then we will feature them on Instagram. Based on the submissions, we will also look for other opportunities to display and highlight that work, whether that's in real life or other digital properties, but social will be our main way of amplifying their response."
This could be anything from a drawing, a photo, a song, a dance, or a selfie. Over the 50 days surrounding Pride, answers will be showcased on
Those interested in participating can send their work @wesealove on Instagram
Visit Seattle organization seeks Pride art
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