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Award-winning Queer folk-pop musician to tour PNW this fall

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Johnny Hiland 3 and Friends featuring Christie Lenée - Photo Courtesy Facebook
Johnny Hiland 3 and Friends featuring Christie Lenée - Photo Courtesy Facebook

Five years after winning an "Acoustic Guitar of the Year" award, guitarist and singer-songwriter Christie Lenée will tour the Pacific Northwest to showcase her most recent album, Coming Alive.
Lenée's music ranges from folk-pop bops to instrumentals, and she incorporates pop lyricsm with catchy hooks that flow with her melodies. Some would describe Lenée as a cross between Joni Mitchell, Dave Matthews, and Michael Hedges. Her most popular song on Spotify is "Sterling Highway," released in 2019, with over 92,000 listens.
Coming Alive is Lenée's sixth studio album. It tells a story of hope and joy, self-confidence and empowerment.
"I felt like a caged animal releasing myself into freedom," Lenée wrote on her website. "I'd been hibernating in a log cabin in the mountains in complete isolation during spring and summer of 2020. In that, there was a feeling of how incredible it would be to get back into the world again."
Lenée, who identifies as Queer, released Coming Alive in 2022, having collaborated with several talented musicians on the album, like drummer Keith Carlock of Steely Dan and keyboardist Charlie Lowell of Jars of Clay. The album also contains a track called "Coming Alive," in which the first verse goes as follows:

I've got a feeling deep inside
I'm coming
Coming alive
Deep in this body of water
There's a tide taking me on a ride
I'm coming alive.

Christie Lenée Photo - Courtesy Facebook  

Lenée said she felt like she was traveling in the song during the creation process, in which she used a 12-string guitar. The musician said it felt like the song helped her find something powerful within her, and that she experienced a new form of self-discovery.
"This is a song of getting back out into the wild. There is a sense of trusting the self that all will be well when taking massive leaps of faith, listening to the call of the soul and discovering all that you are," Lenée said.
Lenée will perform a total of six shows in Washington, September 10-15, including at Rainshadow Recording in Port Townsend, Dusty Strings and the Royal Room in Seattle, and Hamilton Studio in Spokane. She will then briefly travel to Portland and Bend prior to finishing her tour in California.

For more information, visit https://christielenee.com

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