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Boy George continues to dazzle his loyal fans

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Boy George performs at Marymoor Park
Boy George performs at Marymoor Park

Few artists have had such an epic career that they've transformed a moment in time into a stylistic epiphany, sparking an insurgency of androgyny in popular culture both here and around the world.

For the die-hard fans assembled at Marymoor Park in Redmond on Thursday for their summer concert series, Boy George transported them back in time. The scenic backdrop and bohemian vibe of the venue perfectly matched his energy.

Boy George performs at Marymoor Park  (Source: Renee Raketty)

I've never seen the artist more relaxed as he played a set of mostly his more contemporary compositions. However, the crowd was totally into it, listening patiently as he explained the influences behind his newer works.

There were fewer outfit changes and less on-stage acrobatics than usual, but that didn't dampen the experience. He even performed the song "Mistake Number 3," a track rarely included in his concerts, which, despite not being a commercial success, remains beloved by his fans.

Boy George performs at Marymoor Park  (Source: Renee Raketty)

Of course, Boy George didn't disappoint, delivering some of his biggest hits. The audience went wild when he performed classics like "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me" (his first big hit), "The Crying Game" (featured in the 1992 major motion picture of the same name), and "Karma Chameleon" (his closing song).

Boy George was followed by the hit UK band Squeeze but despite his repeated urging for folks to stick around and give them a listen, many of us headed for the exit. For some reason, they never quite caught on here in the US.

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