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So how's the new job? Know what to look for — even if it's another new job

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Image courtesy of Harvard Business Review
Image courtesy of Harvard Business Review

c.2021, Harvard Business Review?$30.00 / higher in Canada
271 pages

Any other day, that nearly inconsequential little annoyance at work might not bother you. This time, it did, though, and that was it. You had no more cares to give, and you were done.

But in the new book The Burnout Epidemic by Jennifer Moss, you can learn how to avoid the same situation next time.

Overworked and underpaid: it's part of an old joke, but these days, it's not so funny. When employees are stressed by extra work, less support, and higher expectations, with fewer tools, it affects them and the bottom line. Moss says that, worldwide, almost $1 trillion in productivity is lost each year to job burnout, and 120,000 people die from the physical effects of it.

You know the signs. You know how you feel when you're on the verge of burning out, and you know that "self-care," meditation, and yoga have their limits. So what can you do to stop job burnout in today's weird work world?

To start, Moss lays out the six causes of and solutions to burnout.

  • Even when the most productive employees believe their workload is consistently too heavy, they begin to feel a sense of "hopelessness". To counter burnout then, sincerely acknowledge their efforts and empower them to step away from work as needed.
  • Let employees "craft their roles" in the company, which helps to avoid "perceived lack of control."
  • Know that an inexpensive, cursory reward is worse than any "lack of reward or recognition."
  • Discourage poor relationships between co-workers, even when the workplace is virtual.
  • Eliminate any "lack of fairness," and reward only people who genuinely deserve it.
  • Be sure that there's no "values mismatch" when hiring new employees.

    Bosses need to learn how to measure burnout, so they know when the business is in trouble.

    Moss indulges in a bit of circle-talk, restating points in several different ways. Still, mindful supervisors will find new ways of perceiving old problems here, but don't expect many placating words of wisdom to share with antsy owners or investors who just want results.

    On that note, as for employees, this book might be validation for what ails you at work and (fair warning for management!) may be used as a road map for a better-fitting job.

    The Burnout Epidemic also touches upon issues specifically borne by teachers, medical personnel, and front-line workers. Because stress at work affects many occupations.