This week's Welcome Back Concert — an abridged, amplified, minimally staged
Arts & Entertainment: Music
If you're looking for a celebration rich in culture at this weekend's PrideFest, look no further than Latinx Pride.
One of the newest talents in the industry, Jeannie Rak, is hoping to make a name for herself in the way other Seattle artists have done.
Located in the renovated basement of Madeline and Alex Yan's home, it offers a unique performance space for all kinds of artistic talents, since the Yans coverted it in 2016.
Ask yourself this: Should Britney Spears—a star who has been consistently dropping albums while uplifting the LGBTQ+ community every step of the way—continue to have so little power over every aspect of her life?
While known by many for her fashion, attitude, and of course her catchy music, Doja Cat is now gaining attention for a more private aspect of her life: her sexuality.
Though Romantic-era composer Franz Schubert was only 31 when died, he left so much cherished music behind that "Schubertiades" — concerts and gatherings devoted to his music — are celebrated around the world.
One influential festival that couldn't be held last year is Hoodstock. For the twelfth year (minus last year), Hoodstock has been introducing Black music artists, especially up-and-coming ones, to a lot of other Black musicians and fans.