Texas Attorney general Ken Paxton demanded that the state's Department of Public Safety (DPS) turn over a list of people who changed their gender markers on Texas driver's licenses and other state IDs.
A report from the protest in support of the drag queens of the Brewhouse Pub in Renton.
AgePRIDE's Legacy Letters program blends research-based and trauma-informed methods to help build lasting bridges between the generations.
Trouble down in San Antonio outside a drag show resulted in a face off between LGBTQ supporters and an anti-LGBTQ crowd.
Weekly national news highlights for the week ending December 16, 2022.
Weekly international news highlights for the week ending December 16, 2022.
Dramatic scenes mark the end of the saga of the WNBA star as she is finally released to the United States after nearly a year under Russian detainment.
For many LGBTQ+ people, the primal need for family is met outside of blood bonds.
"These and similar threats to drag shows are attacks on LGBTQ culture."
Weekly national news highlights for the week ending December 9, 2022.