In 2021, Ryka Aoki released her novel Light from Uncommon Stars to much acclaim. It follows the story of Katrina Nguyen, a runaway Transgender girl with a passion for playing anime and gaming music with her violin, Aubergine.
Arts & Entertainment: Books
In the days following the reelection of Donald Trump, bookstore owner Charlie Hunts noticed more foot traffic from fearful and forlorn people, all looking for the same thing: hope.
A writer, photographer, and one-time psychedelic poster purveyor, the Bay Area's Michael Goldberg's latest book, Jukebox, collects his music photography from 1967 to 2023.
Music historian Elijah Wald, a prominent presence at the Pop Conference at MoPOP, took a turn into old-time obscenity for his new book, Jelly Roll Blues: Censored Songs & Hidden Histories.
For young readers, especially LGBTQ+ people, fantasy can be a safe escape from real life. Like many voracious Queer readers, author Clare Edge enjoys the escapism fantasy novels can provide. But they also noticed something was always missing.
With so many gift-giving options this year, it can be hard to figure out where to start! Luckily the SGN Book Club has the perfect gift guide for all the voracious readers in your life, young and old!
In his new memoir, When You Step Upon a Star, William Keck reveals his secret past as a sleazy tabloid reporter for the National Enquirer, all while being in the closet.
Music scribe, historian, and longtime Capitol Hill fixture Gillian G. Gaar is celebrating her 19th book release.
The debut novel from Jiaming Tang follows the experiences of Queer Chinese immigrants over 30 years
Raven Oak is venturing into a new genre this August.