The SGN interviews former Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz.
The Pride flag finally rises at Newcastle City Hall, but not without some drama.
Hate crimes against the Tacoma LGBTQ+ community in 2023 totaled 34 offenses, and June saw the biggest spike in crimes, totaling 9.
A report from the fundraiser for Trans Pride Seattle.
A spotlight on the Trans candidate's campaign and how she plans to serve the LGBTQ community in their region.
A profile on the animal sanctuary in Seattle.
In an interview with the SGN, WA State Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate affirms his commitment to fight for the rights of the LGBTQ community.
The University of Washington Libraries present their retrospective of the newspaper upon its 50th anniversary during Pride weekend at SPL's Central Library in Downtown Seattle.
Top American news highlights for the fortnight ending June 14, 2024.