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Kids bully kids because adults bully adults

Kids bully kids because adults bully adults

In order to address school bullying of Queer teens, we have to acknowledge an uncomfortable truth about the way that it reflects the attitudes and behaviors of the adult world.


SGN decries unconstitutional censorship in Ocean Shores library

Our editor sounds off: "We implore the residents of Ocean Shores and the broader LGBTQ community to raise their voices in protest."


Now is the time to declare Denny-Blaine an official nude park

It is time to have the City of Seattle officially designate Denny-Blaine Park as a clothing-optional space.


Rape, anti-LGBT bias, and the hero's journey

"A brutal rape and the anti-LGBT bias that accompanied it almost ended my life."


Jack's Take: A beach and a community

Jack reflects on Denny Blaine Park after the recent controversy of building a playground on this beloved and sacred LGBTQ space.


Letting communities lead: pleasure as the key to ending the HIV epidemic

Focusing on pleasure in an epidemic seems counterintuitive, even irresponsible and indulgent. In the fight against new HIV infections, however, it is nonetheless indispensable.


An appreciation for the rattily organized Friendsgiving

Musings on the way LGBTQ+ people navigate the annual traditional event.


Jack's Take: Making a dream a reality

Jack honors our elder LGBTQ+ community as GenPride and Pride Place break new ground on Capitol Hill.


How furries and Queerness intersect from one who is both

What is it about the furry fandom that brings in so many LGBTQIA+ people?


Jesse's Journal: Halloween — The great Gay holiday

The October holiday means more to LGBTQ+ people than just trick-or-treating.

Showing 11 - 20 of 165 Stories
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