© 2024 Union Square
288 pages
Your humble abode is much more than a big box to put your things in, say Barry Bordelon and Jordan Slocum. In fact, "you deserve to create a truly special place to call home."
When you tour a new home to buy or rent, you naturally dream about a reading nook, a cozy fireplace, holiday dinners, and movie night with the family. So how do you make those dreams into a home? How do you get motivated to tackle a reno job? You start with For the Love of Renovating.
Its authors know what they're talking about: together, they bought and remodeled a beautiful old Brooklyn brownstone years ago. When it came to renovations, they noticed a definite lack of direction for how to do it right. Blogs helped, though, as did magazines. For you, so will this book.
Their first advice: spend some time figuring out what you want. Would a fixer-upper make you happy, or is move-in-ready mandatory? There are pros and cons to both.
Next, "really start thinking about the B-word." Budgeting is essential and should be top-of-list for anyone who's thinking about renovating. Educate yourself on financial terminology, and know ahead of time how you're going to pay for any project, no matter the size. Build a "team" to do the job right — and don't even think about skimping on your workers.
Dare to dream of design at this point. Think about how you cook if you're renovating your kitchen, and learn about various kinds of cabinets and counters. If the bathroom's first, determine how much space you'll have and what fixtures you require. And if you're thinking about a reno that doesn't involve tear-downs, you might be in luck: furniture you already have may be able to be refurbished. New window treatments can be inexpensive. The do-it-yourself tips here can help you save money, spending it instead on nicer floors, upgraded windows, even new doors.
For sure, it's going to be work, and Bordelon and Slocum don't hide that fact. Instead, they instruct readers how to make a reno a little less painful, with how-to tips and advice on nearly every homeowning aspect, from finding financing to determining what the outside of your home should look like. Readers will like being forearmed with no-nonsense, no-frills hints. You'll also relish the many, many full-color photos that drip with inspiration.
For the Love of Renovating is a book you'll page through often, whether you just finished a reno or are planning another. And it's one most homeowners will want to make room for.
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