A passionate group of advocates, volunteers, and community leaders have banded together to host an event for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on February 8 from 2 to 4 p.m., including a robust panel discussion. The theme for this year is "Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities."
"Together, we work to create community-centered events that raise awareness and foster education about HIV/AIDS in the Black community," organizer Brittney Lincoln said. "Our events are rooted in the Black community and collaborating with organizations that serve and support the LGBTQIA+ community."
Attendees will dialogue about HIV stigma, racism, and homophobia as they relate to prevention and care, highlighting how HIV continues to disproportionately impact Black communities, as well as how to identify and engage in meaningful steps to address this, according to Lincoln. People can also engage in conversations about ending HIV in Black communities by addressing barriers.
Washington's Department of Health data state that every four days, a person who identifies as Black is diagnosed with HIV. While Black people account for 4% of the state's population, they represent 19% of new HIV diagnoses.
Furthermore, 70% of new HIV infections among Black people born in the US are from men having sex with men, out of which 72% are under the age of 35. Speakers at the event will include Andrew Ashiofu, Ariyah Jane, Dale Peace, and Michele Andrasik. Information and guidance on resources for HIV prevention and care will be provided.
"Our panelists bring a wealth of experiences and insight to these topics, and I believe their voices will inspire and empower attendees to take meaningful action in their communities," Lincoln said.
Light refreshments and food will be offered during the gathering, which will take place at the Hildebrand Hall in Plymouth Church, 1217 Sixth Ave. in Seattle.
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