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Seattle-based anti-bullying nonprofit Free2Luv empowers at-risk youth

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Photo courtesy of Free2Luv
Photo courtesy of Free2Luv

Free2Luv is a Seattle-based nonprofit organization founded in 2011 that uses the arts to empower and uplift youth struggling with bullying, intolerance, identity issues, emotional distress, self-loathing, and self-harm, while instilling hope and letting them know that they are not alone. It uses music, art, film, dance, storytelling, and social media to initiate conversations and raise awareness about the impact bullying has on students.

"We utilize the arts to empower youth to take up a badge of courage and break down social and emotional barriers," Free2Luv states on its website.

"Art is a universal language that enables us to be more insightful about the world we live in," Free2Luv says in a blog post. "It allows us to heal and to see truth in ourselves that we may not have understood before. Evidence-based research shows that artistic expression can be exceptionally healing, as it gives youth the opportunity to adopt new healthy coping skills that lead to a higher sense of self-worth."

According to Free2Luv, one in three children report that they have been bullied at school, while 30% admit to bullying others. The number of youths experiencing mental health disorders has more than doubled in the past ten years, and only 20% of those affected are receiving assistance.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for those 10—24 years old. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide compared to their straight peers, while Transgender youth are about 12 times more likely, according to the organization.

Photo courtesy of Free2Luv  

Fighting isolation and increasing self-love
Advocacy and story sharing is a large focus of Free2Luv. It mentors peer-to-peer interactions with youth in 34 states and 23 countries. Youth mentors share their stories while encouraging kindness in order to create change.

Part of Free2Luv's story-sharing system consists of YouTube videos in which victims of bullying can share their experiences. It also has an online blog that reaches hundreds of thousands of readers across the globe, according to the nonprofit. Blog topics include bullying, empowerment, LGBTQ mental health, suicide prevention, and news and events. A few examples of blog posts include "5 Things You Should Do When You See Someone Being Bullied" and "Benefits of Drawing & Doodle Sketching with No Rules."

Photo courtesy of Free2Luv  

Free2Luv believes that the common struggles that lead to youth experiencing emotional and mental distress are low self-esteem and a lack of self-love. As a result, the organization also strives to let youth know that they are not alone in their experiences.

It sends empowerment packages to youth in crisis to provide them with safe spaces and tools, in addition to creating platforms for story sharing. It has an arts and music program that has impacted over 35,000 students who are underresourced. The program is brought to schools, community centers, and festivals across the country.

Free2Luv has sent out over 20,000 "We Care" packages to youth who are struggling with bullying, self-harm, and identity issues. They include personalized messages letting the youth know they are not alone, as well as creative expression journals.

The nonprofit is able to fund these care packages through its shop and donations. Some products on offer include expression books, activity books, T-shirts, beaded or rubber bracelets, fake tattoos, and pendant necklaces. The activity and expression books assist youth who are experiencing anxiety and a fear of the unknown.

Donations help those experiencing confusion, rejection, and isolation. According to the oraganization, a $25 monthly donation allows youth access to the arts program, which fosters a safe space for the youth to increase their creativity, gain confidence, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. A $50 monthly donation provides children with a signature empowerment package that includes inspirational products, personal messages letting them know they are not alone, and a creative expression activity book.

As Free2Luv puts it, "No gift is too small."

Another way to support these initiatives is through Amazon Smile. A free Chrome extension called "Smilematic" automatically provides 0.5% of one's Amazon purchases to Free2Luv.

Furthermore, Free2Luv has launched a global campaign called "Million Sign Mission" so people can take a stand against bullying. The organization encourages you to print out its "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS BULLY" sign (which also comes in rainbow print), take a picture with it, and post it to social media with the hashtag #stopbullying.

To learn more and give back to youth who are experiencing bullying visit https://free2luv.org/.